Yet more links..

Posted on May 9th, 2007 at 6:27 pm

Are you a budding economist? If so you’ll find this study of alcohol content vs price very interesting. Cider is the clear winner.

Or a budding installation artist? Take a look at Lars-Erik Fisk’s VW Bus Ball.
vw bus ball

No, you fancy starting a company, right? Better choose a good name for it though. Here’s how the world’s leading brands chose theirs.

Why not work in advertising. Here are nine of the best tips on creating a corporate image.

Actually, it may pay to be a futurist. Check this Ministry of Defense report on what the future holds for us.

No, I think Glamour Photography is the way forward. No need to do your own though when you can just trawl through some specially selected photographs at Flickrdreams.

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