January Life
Life has consisted of mainly Zelda, The Wire and work this year. No time to find any funny links.
So here’s a clip from The Wire I’ve just uploaded to YouTube. In a rare montage-to-music scene drug dealers Avon Barksdale, Stringer Bell and Stinkum enter the Lowrises to see D’Angelo and check that their product is being sold correctly. The Wire is all filmed on location using no sets whatsoever giving it a real air of authenticity.
The music supervisor of The Wire has his own blog at www.tenthousand.org and wrote a small article about the scene above. There’s some great music downloads and mix tapes at his site too so please go and check it out.
As for The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess on the Nintendo Wii I think I’m about half way through. The video below shows the last boss I finished off a day ago. It’s not me doing the spinning but it’s a good example of the current level of escapism going on at King Mansions. This may act as a small spoiler for those only a short way through the game, and I’m sure I had this baddie down in under 7 minutes:
And as for work well I’m sure I can show you a little of what I’ve been working on here: http://www.audemos.co.uk/redesign/
Ok, here’s some good links:
The new Burn My Face Off Elmo on YouTube.
Geez Man. I thought you faded into obscurity!
Nice find!