Brighton Seafront Last Night + ISS
Well summer looked like it had really started down the seafront last night. The area from the West Pier through to Hove Lawns was packed with around 3,000 under 18’s getting hammered on booze. It was lively but not rowdy and reminded me of my old Margate beach party days. There must have been quite a few casualties that night. By 10 there were a few passed out people and staggerers around but every one seemed to be having a laugh. I bet the Fortune of War was packed.
We did see the International Space Station though. I pointed out a bright moving light in the sky and after a bit of debate about it possibly being a plane I did get everyone to agree that it was a satalite. This morning I did some online research and discovered it was the ISS as it was travelling over the UK at exactly that time. There’s a good article about it at The Register and you can check the times you’ll see the ISS from Brighton Beach from NASA. We got six minutes of it last night which is much better than the 2 minutes you get at other times of the year.