Brief catch-up
November has been busy so not many posts here. Here’s a few tidbits to keep you happy:
Amaztype – Give it a go.
The Onion: Search For Self Called Off After 38 Years
Godtower: The Skill Of God. I can work out the first answer but stuck on the second. Any joy?
The Sun can’t spell. I think you’ll find its CYBER.
Brighton Flickr Sudoku. You really have to be bored to look at that one.
GodTower Level 2 is ‘solomon’ lol :)
Level 3 ???
\o\… I’ve just resigned my job to climb the Godtower
Oh course. Sometimes you can think too hard.
Level 3 is a bitch though. The fourth column is departure times I presume, what is the fifth column? Maybe I should work out an average of the times (AT) on the fifth column.
CHECK AT TIME is ambiguous too. ‘Eighty’ time? Air Traffic? The board is also a German board, that might have something to do with it. The title of the web page is also “Clock Pointers Will Tell You”.
Oh and those green dots my have something to do with it.
Ah, got muber three. I should have seen the clue above. Now for number 4.
i am one more who stacked at level three of god tower..
any help?
Hi! Its been a while but I think the solution was to make a clock face out of each of the times. This spelled out letters. A seven letter long word.
The answer is the name of the person who responded second, up above.
lets go for the forth..
i can’t find the pass of godtower#7, plz help
it’s too hard password in level 10 some clues plz
Stuck on level 4 … any help
hi.. i think this game is really hard.. but also sucks.. cuzz even on the first level – i cant even pass.. tae